Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Wishes 2012

I want to thank so many of you for sharing my world this year. You've cheered me on, encouraged and even shed a tear with me. And I'm blessed to know you're only a page away with your own words and dreams. 

Christmas Blessings to you, dear friend. May the season truly reflect the heart of God, as we remember the Saviour and His wrapping of love for each one of us. 

While I can't wonder at a white Christmas, I will wriggle my toes in the white sands of my dear Phillip Island, and continue work on book two of my Aussie beach historical. 

But I'll be back to blogging early in the new year with more great historical romances to promote, and the talented writers who thread them together. And I hope you'll join me each Friday, for 52 Steps to Yesteryear and take a moment to savour all that we love from a bygone era. 

But most of all, I look forward to giving God the glory for what He will achieve in our lives, as we visit here at Ink Dots and wherever your blog sings its song. 

Wishing you Christmas Blessings 
and God's desires for your heart in 2013