Monday, July 22, 2013


While most of Australia woke to a wintery blast last Thursday morning, I was checking my inbox, anxious to hear news of a competition I'd entered. And nothing shakes the snoozing better than much longed for good news. 

I'm honoured to share I won the 2013 Touched By Love Award Contest. (Insert huge smile and lots of rapid blinking)

Offered by the Faith, Hope and Love chapter of the Romance Writers of America, the Touched by Love Competition is for unpublished writers or those not published in the past three years. 

My prize... the opportunity to present my entry to a Bethany House editor for a critique. A humbling step for an unpublished writer. 

Many of you have prayed with me about this entry. I am thankful for each one of you. You've cheered me on, urged persistence, mopped my tears and even kicked over a few obstacles in my way. You know who you are, and you are amazing!  

I couldn't be in Atlanta for the awards, but my speech was read to those present. For those absent, here it is. Please read aloud in your best Aussie accent for the most accurate experience. Or, whispered under your breath as I did last week when I wrote it in advance, and wondered what it might be like to actually win. 

You probably think this little Aussie writer is fast asleep right now. Be assured, I’m not. My heart is right where you are, the seat of dreams. 

I send my sincerest thanks across the Pacific to the FHL Officers and Board Members and to the Touched by Love Contest Co-ordinators, Kelly Riley and Sandra Orchard. Thank you for your tireless dedication to writing contests which has made this opportunity and award a reality for me. 

Many thanks to the contest judges for their comprehensive feedback and encouragement, and to my fellow finalists who crafted alongside me. A very special word of thanks to Narelle Atkins in Australia, who suggested I enter this competition, and to Catherine Hudson in New Zealand who cheered me on.

Thanks to Sophie, Thomas and Matthew who keep Crabapple House humming when mama’s writing. You’re all the inspiration I need. 

And to my Beloved, who swooped in and rescued me, I give the deepest thanks. 

Without you, there is no love story. 

To God be the glory. Thank you.